Thursday, October 27, 2011

Meet Jack

So, our pumpkins were stolen as you read last week~right? you read this little blog often, right?  I know I've got lurkers out there...anyone want to leave some comments? You'd make my day! :)  We knew that just because someone stole them, we couldn't let the kids go without carving at least 1 pumpkin this year.  Also, I'd found a handful of new pumpkin seed recipes that I REALLY wanted to try. (I did some caramelized pumpkin seeds that will likely show up here tomorrow. They were awesome!)  Well, Whole Foods had their pumpkins on sale last weekend when we did the grocery shopping.  For a mere $2.50 we picked up 1 pumpkin (I've been hoping they would do their 5 for $5 pumpkin sale again, but so far no such luck.)
So, last weekend, as planned, the kids got to enjoy the October ritual of pumpkin carving.
Cleaning Jack out
The plans

Applying the plans
Here's Jack~who has lived a life indoors to protect his safety!

1 comment:

  1. Jack looks good! Glad he's living safely inside :) We are planning on carving our pumpkins this weekend. My father-in-law has a large patch each year with all sorts of sizes for the kids to choose! We have several, thanks to Grammie and Grampie! I will email you pictures after. Love you guys!



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