I've been thinking lately about life in general specifically my life. Life is so fragile and in the blink of an eye all that I know it to be can change. Where's my life going? Am I on the right path? What's the right path? Should I be doing more? How can I be a better person, wife, mom, sister, daughter? I love the idea of starting and running my own business. However, I feel like I need to be making a difference. I tell myself that being the best mom right now IS making a difference. For some reason it just doesn't seem to be enough. Maybe it's because I haven't been able to define what being the
perfect best mom is. I know I should do such a good job so as to essentially make myself and all that I do not needed by my kids. Teach them how to do all that they need to do and be holy, well-rounded, and upstanding. I'm finding it hard to let go of the control. Controlling the way that things are done. I tell myself that it's the process of the kiddos learning and not always necessarily the end result that's important at this time.
The business I'd like to create is a furniture refinishing one. Seems kinda shallow, but I can spin it pretty well. It does play in to the living green theme. I could make it make a difference in people's lives by improving their surroundings, donate profits, empower others with the knowledge to do refinishing for themselves, provide opportunities for therapy and conversation while working.
Maybe it's a mid-life crisis (I'm suddenly feeling like I'm getting older!) maybe it's just desiring more and trying to actually follow through, fulfill, and attain a dream. Who knows where I'll go with this, but it feels good to get it in writing and out of my head. :)
Anyone else out there feel similar???