Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Defeat Frustration

Banish frustration, boredom, excess pounds all while having loads of fun.
Do I sound like one of those awful weight loss commercials? :)

We were given a Target gift card this past Christmas.  We were given one the year before too.  The year before we used it to buy groceries.  This time we opted for fun.  Jaime and I now have our own blaster! (Should I just break down and call it what it is? okay, fine, we now have 3 guns.)

And we all get in on the fun. Penelope doesn't let herself be left out just because she's little.  Seriously, if you don't have at least one Nerf gun at home, I highly recommend getting one.  They don't hurt when you get it, they get you up and moving, you can target practice on others or just go to town on the Star Wars dudes that have invaded.

Tonight I'll post about last night's and today's projects.
Have a blessed and fun day!

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